Restaurants in Méounes-lès-Montrieux
Restaurants in Méounes-lès-Montrieux : Traditional cooking, Traditional French cooking, Provençal cuisine. Meeting room, Terrace, Reception room, Air conditioning, Pets welcome, Room hire, Wi-fi
Every day throughout the year. Closed Monday and Tuesday.
Lunch and evening service
From 01/01 to 31/12/2024 Adult menu: from 29 €. From 01/01 to 31/12/2025 Adult menu: 32.50 €.
100 setting inside
100 seats outside
Auberge De Pachoquin
Route de Toulon
83136 - Méounes-lès-Montrieux
Route de Toulon
83136 Méounes-lès-Montrieux
+33 (0)4 94 48 98 13
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